Home 9 News 9 MISA mourns the death of six Tanzanian journalists

MISA mourns the death of six Tanzanian journalists

12 Jan, 2022
This post was broadcasted from MISA Regional.
Six Tanzanian journalists pass on in a traffic accident.

The MISA Regional Secretariat has learnt with great shock and sadness of the death of six journalists in Tanzania in a tragic traffic accident.

A total of 14 people, including the six journalists, perished in the accident in Mwanza, about 680km northwest of the capital Dodoma on 11 January 2022. 

The six journalists are: Abel Ngapemba of RS Mwanza, Vanny Charles of Icon TV Online, Johari Shani of Uhuru Digital, Pembezoni TV Online, Steven Msengi of Habari Ukerwe, Husna Mlanzi of ITV and Anthony Chuwa of Daily News Digital.

MISA Regional Secretariat extends its sincere condolences to the families of the deceased journalists, the media fraternity and the people of Tanzania following their untimely deaths.

The MISA Regional Secretariat shares its deep grief with their families during this very difficult and traumatising time.

May the souls of the deceased journalists rest in eternal peace.

About MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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